Sunday, December 9, 2012

Health & Beauty

Beauty No-No's

1. Not cleaning your makeup brushes
2. Wearing makeup that expired
3.  Pimple popping
4. Forgetting the SPF

source : Yahoo!

Food for Healthy Skin

1. Egg Whites for protein to product collagen
2. Pomegranate to soften your skin
3. Olive Oil for a healthy glow
4. Watermelon for a dewy complexion
5. Blueberries to smooth fine lines
6. Green Tea to diminish brown spots
7. Cold-Water Fish to reduce redness
8. Spinach & Kale for Firming

source : Yahoo!

Beauty Foods

1. Wild salmon
2. Low-fat yogurt
3. Oysters
4. Blueberries
5. Kiwifruit
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Spinach
8. Tomatoes
9. Walnuts
10. Dark chocolate

source : Yahoo!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Live longer?

10 benefits of walking...

1) Increases Your Lifespan

2) Wards Off Diabetes

3) Keeps Your Mind Sharp

4) Helps Lower Blood Pressure

5) Great for Bone Health

6) Cuts the Risk of Stroke

7) Improves Your Mood

8) Torches Calories

9) Improves Insomnia

10) Good for the Heart
Sounds good rite? so let's start a healthy life from now. :)

p/s: recent wishlist-treadmill

Source: Yahoo!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lessons for today

Lets prevent the identity theft
  • Don't overshare. "Never put your correct birth date or your hometown on your Facebook page,"-Sileo
  • For android users please beware. "Apps can be used to install spyware and lift account and other sensitive information from your mobile device," -Mari Frank. Signs that you may have a sniffer app: Your battery life is shorter than normal and your phone operates more slowly.
  • "Anytime you can get on a network without a password, it means the information is not encrypted, so it's very easy for even a basic hacker with the right program to get information off your computer," says Nikki Junker, social media coordinator at the Identity Theft Resource Center, a nonprofit organization in San Diego. I never know this. Always be happy to use wifi that don't require a password. -___-
  • For cell phone's, its better to use 3G or 4G network since it is more secure plus hacker have a harder time breaking in. Arraso?
  • For laptop, it is recommended subscribe to virtual private network (VPN) which encrypts or "hides" what you do online, so you're protected when you use free WiFi.

source: Yahoo!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

mamam mamam mamam

I am a spicy food lover. I like to eat nasi briyani and often I'll be more careful to take this food at wedding ceremony. Saya dah banyak kali stomach ache and diarrhea sebab makan kat kenduri kahwin. It will become worse bila makan kenduri hari sabtu then the next day(which is hari Ahad) I have to go back to Bangi. I had to suffer in the bus. A suffering that is unimaginable . >_< . My mom told me that some people will put something in their cooking to make the meat soften and I'm not sure what is it. I would not doubt when I was told that the person in charge for food on that wedding ceremony is my dad's friend who was a famous chef in my place.

I was thinking of making a simple Arabic food. So I google it and I found that Chicken Kabsa is easy to make and looked like tempting.

source:google image

p/s: I hope one day I will be able to make this recipe :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Won't go home without you

1. Put your music library on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

3. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely though.

4. Ok, go!

1. If someone says "shelf", you say?

When you say nothing at all- Ronan Keating

2. How would you describe yourself?

Trercipta untukku-Ungu

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?

Rude boy-Rihanna (ye ke?)

4. How do you feel today?

Nobody-Wonder Girl

5. What is your life's purpose?

Cari jodoh-Wali (xde keje pe cari jodoh?)

6. What's your motto?

Bukan diriku-Samsons

7. What do your friends think of you?


8. What do you think of your parents?

Permintaan Hati-Letto

9. How do you feel most of the time?

Love Yourself-KAT-TUN (this shud be love myself)

10. What is 2+2?

4 in the morning-Gwen (4 tu dah betol)

11. What do you think of your best friend?

Drop the world-Eminem ft Lil Wayne (huh?)

12. What do you think of the person you like?

Hitam menjadi putih- Radja (huh?)

13. What's your life's Story?

Riding Solo-Jason Derulo ( -_-)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Kenangan mengusik jiwa-A.Ramlie & Jeffrydin (ehh??? camne lagu kenduri kawen ade dlm ni??)

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?

Billionaire-Travis ft. Bruno (woi mata duitan nampak)

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?

My love-Westlife

17. What will they play at your funeral?

You belong with me-Taylor Swift (amboi rancaknye lagu)

18. What is your biggest fear?

Fireflies-Owl City (eh? fireflies pon x penah jumpe pon)

19. What is your biggest secret?

When I look at you-Miley Cirus

20. What will you post this as?

Won't go home without you-Maroon 5

Friday, November 12, 2010

English style

Dah lama rasanya tak update blog. A lot of work forced me to forget about it. It's semester break right now and I'm thinking to change the style of my room. White is the best color for the bedroom. so I guess the most appropriate style for the bedroom is English style. I love the floral pattern on the fabric which are used to this style and fit for a feminine girl like me. Feminin la sgt. If I go to KK Home Deko(shops that sell english style stuffs), definitely makes me rambang mata and it's hard for me to make a choice. Take a look at some pictures that I have google.

google image

what a beautiful room!

google image

Nak yang ni sangat2!

p/s: kalau duit ade, semua jalan.

Monday, May 3, 2010

bag oh bag!

bucket bag

beg di atas bukan untuk dijual..teehhee.. actually,i'm very happy and sebab beg ni sebenarnya dah lame saya nak..just survey2 kat blog je..i love to do that..suke drooling2 depan laptop tengok barang2 kat blogshop..sampai satu tahap rase nak sangat2 beli tapi malas nak bank in..nak banking online lak saya tak suka..tapi bile tengok barang yang saya suka dah mention kat situ sold out rase nak marah lak -_- ..aaand the most important is i'm very satisfied because I bought this bag for a cheap price..for me,saya tak kesah beli barang yang murah asalkan cantek dan saya rase beg tu boleh tahan lama..apek yang jual beg tu siap bakar kot beg tu nak prove yang beg tu tahan..mintak kurang pun apek tu yang sayang apek lebih ni..hehe..

saya memang gile beg but so far,tak de la di tahap membazir lagi..kalau saya jalan ngan encik boyfie,mesti die pening pale sebab baru je beli beg tapi nak jugak masuk kat sume kedai beg kat shopping complex tu..biase la pempuan,bile nak kuar mesti nak tukar2 beg..kalau saya ye la..xtau la kalau orang lain..beg pegi kelas lain,pegi kuar jalan2 lain..kadang2 kalau nak kuar cepat2,kelam kabut nak masukkan ape kat dalam beg..sometimes ade barang yang wajib kena bawak tapi let's check what you need in your handbag.

wallet-ni kalau xde memang la la sume benda ada kat dalam tu..kad bank,kad pengenalan,lesen keta..kang ade road block mintak lesen or kad pengenalan dah susah..nak shopping pon susah..nak withdraw,kad bank ade dalam wallet sangat penting..

handphone-ni kalau tertinggal rase cam tak leh nak hidup..nak buat ape pon tak senang..tak tau la ape name sindrom ni..risau..mane tau mak call or sape2 call sebab ade emergency ke..lagi satu kalau jalan2 ngan member pastu syok sangat duk belek2 barang sampai xtau rupenya member dah blah..gelabah carik member..*ai cam ade pengalaman je..haha*tapi kalau bawak phone yang takde kredit or batery kong pon tak guna jugak -_-"

perfume-kalau yang ni simpan la perfume yang size die kecik..kalau nak bawak yang besar pun boleh jugak..bukan ape,just to ensure that you remain fragrant then it will make you more confident when dealing with the public..moreover, other people will feel comfortable with you..tapi kena la pilih perfume yang mild odor..tak la orang pening pale kalau dekat dengan kita.

tisu-this is also very important..tapi ni slalu saya tertinggal..some restaurants don't provide tissue..if there were,kita malas nak pegi amik sebab jauh..owhh malas punye budak..kalau kita bawak tisu,boleh la kita lap comot pas makan tu or lap tangan pas basuh..dan yang paling penting bile tengok wayang citer sedih nak mati..ingat lagi mase tengok citer time traveler's wife..*owh citer ni sangat best..saya pakse sume tengok*..mase tu nangis tak ingat dunia..pastu dah tak tau nak lap kat mane..naseb baik member bawak tisu..kalau tak lap kat tudung..eeuuuwww..hahah

makeup-ermm kalau yang ni i'm not so sure..tapi dalam beg saya mesti bawak lip gloss sebab bibir saya jenis terkopek..nak kate minum air sket tak sebab saya dah minum banyak..for those yang tangan kering dan tak selesa boleh la bawak losyen ke..kalau rajin la..

p/s:saya akan bawak telekung..tak suke sangat gune telekung public sebab kotor..nak ngadap Allah tak kan nak selekeh2 ye tak?ermm ade ape2 lagi tertinggal ke?