I am a spicy food lover. I like to eat nasi briyani and often I'll be more careful to take this food at wedding ceremony. Saya dah banyak kali stomach ache and diarrhea sebab makan kat kenduri kahwin. It will become worse bila makan kenduri hari sabtu then the next day(which is hari Ahad) I have to go back to Bangi. I had to suffer in the bus. A suffering that is unimaginable . >_< . My mom told me that some people will put something in their cooking to make the meat soften and I'm not sure what is it. I would not doubt when I was told that the person in charge for food on that wedding ceremony is my dad's friend who was a famous chef in my place.I was thinking of making a simple Arabic food. So I google it and I found that Chicken Kabsa is easy to make and looked like tempting.
source:google image
p/s: I hope one day I will be able to make this recipe :)